Natural wine map

Map of the bars, restaurants and wine bars where you can drink and buy natural wines in Spain.

Map of bars, restaurants and wine bars where you can drink and buy natural wines in Spain.


Discover the restaurants, bars and shops that offer natural wines.

The map of places where to buy and/or drink natural wines in Spain has increased substantially in recent years.
It is common to think that in those establishments where they have chosen to include additive-free wines from small producers on their menus, we will be able to find a culinary offer of extreme quality, very much in tune with the wines they offer.
They are bars and restaurants where their chefs and owners carefully select the raw materials to prepare their dishes, prioritizing values such as proximity and temporality. They are also concerned about the sustainability of the farms and the wineries that supply them.
Taste is in variety and in this space we are going to show you a community of places where you can eat wonderfully and drink a great variety of truly natural wines with the best atmosphere.

Do you want to appear on the map?

If you’re not on the map and you want to be, it’s easy: Write us on the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!


Quinta Vila Rachel


Información de la bodega