At Vella Terra, we recognize natural wine through a set of clear and simple criteria, distancing ourselves from “trendy labels” that often respond more to marketing interests than to the true concept of natural agriculture and viticulture.

These criteria include practices such as organic/biodynamic viticulture and artisanal work in the winery. Alcoholic fermentation must occur without added commercial yeasts, and malolactic fermentation without added bacteria. Additionally, levels of sugars, acidity, color, or alcohol should not be corrected. The wine should not be clarified or filtered using mechanical or chemical processes, nor stabilized with chemical substances or industrial enological techniques. Micro-oxygenation or other processes that accelerate or simulate natural winemaking processes should also be avoided. Finally, no additives or added sulfites are allowed.

There are also “low-intervention” wines, which meet the above criteria but with total sulfite levels below 30 mg per liter, depending on each producer, production area, and vinification type.

It is important to note that, in comparison, the levels of sulfites allowed in conventional winemaking can reach 200 mg per liter, with no limits on additives, while in organic wines sulfite levels can reach 120 mg per liter, and up to 120 additives can be used in their production.


At Vella Terra, you will find wineries committed to sustainable practices such as permaculture, organic and biodynamic farming, or the exclusive use of natural products. Invasive and chemical treatments, such as herbicides, pesticides, and synthetic fungicides, as well as genetically modified organisms, are avoided.

It is essential for us that the wineries exhibiting their products at our fair cultivate, promote, and recover local varieties, thus improving the biodiversity of their territory.

The wineries present at the fair use natural indigenous yeasts and avoid the use of commercial yeasts for alcoholic fermentation. They do not adjust the acidity or aromas of their wines, nor do they add additives or sulfites at any stage of the production process, nor do they resort to invasive techniques such as reverse osmosis.

You will also find some wineries that meet all the above criteria but choose to add a minimal amount of sulfites to their wines, always respecting the maximum of (30 mg/l). These are wineries that have encountered difficulties in a specific vintage, are just starting out in the world of natural wine, or are seeking experience in producing sulfite-free wine.

It is important to note that in 2020, the first recognized certification for natural wines in France was established, called Vin Méthode Nature, which shares the same characteristics as our criteria established in 2016 when we organized the 1st edition of the Vella Terra fair.

At Vella Terra, we have always recognized the challenge of making natural wine without added sulfites, whether for those with experience in the industry or for those starting out on this path; our fair is dedicated to this community. However, we find it unfortunate the attitude of wineries that claim not to use sulfites in their wines but lack commitment to sustainability in their wineries, for example, by using large amounts of water in their wine production, etc. In addition to concealing the analyses of their wines, they participate in fairs that proclaim the word “natural,” which turns out to be more of a marketing act than a genuine commitment, and they adopt an arrogant attitude, as if they were celebrities or divine gurus. In conclusion, we consider this double standard and lack of integrity unacceptable, and we have never wanted to associate with it.

With our extensive experience, we consider it unfair to stigmatize wineries that rigorously comply with all requirements in the field, demonstrating tangible commitments to sustainability. Furthermore, regarding vinification practices, they produce their wines through spontaneous fermentation, avoiding clarification and filtration. However, they choose to add a minimal amount of sulfites, being transparent.

At Vella Terra, we are committed to facilitating direct contact with wine producers. At our fair, the true protagonists are the producers themselves, who stand behind the exhibitor tables to personally explain their products to our attendees and subscribers. This act represents an added value that should be fostered and appreciated.

Commitment to inclusion, transparency, and direct contact with the producer.

Transparency Commitment: At Vella Terra, our commitment to transparency focuses on providing accurate and truthful information to our attendees. Our task is to research, visit, and get to know each exhibiting winemaker to verify their practices and the analytics of each of the wines that will be showcased.

We distance ourselves from unfounded radicalization and value the individual circumstances of each exhibiting winemaker. All wineries participating in Vella Terra agree to display the analytics of their wines, thus demonstrating their transparency and commitment to the movement.

Our participation criteria are the most rigorous and truthful in the context of natural wine fairs around the world, being the only ones to require sulfite analysis from participating winemakers in Spain.

Inclusion Commitment: At our fair, we commit to being inclusive and diverse, welcoming all people as equals, regardless of their ability, ethnicity, age, religion, or gender identity, and ensuring they have equal access to the same services, opportunities, and treatment as others. We do not tolerate any form of sexist violence and provide a space at our registration point to report such behavior, as well as any other acts of violence.

Direct Contact Commitment with the Producer: We are committed to providing direct contact with winemakers. We are the only international professional fair on the peninsula that guarantees attendees that the natural and low-intervention wine you taste is verified. Additionally, you can purchase bottles directly from them at the fair.

We have a community of national and international wineries with decades of experience in the natural wine sector. In our fair, in addition to exhibiting wineries, you will also find distributors, potential exporters, hoteliers and sommeliers, press related to the sector, and enthusiasts of this reality.